Leadership Team and Change Consultants for Medium Sized Organizations in the Kitchener, Waterloo, Hamilton area

Achieving Exceptional Results requires Exceptional Leaders

Leaders set the direction, build the relationships and manage the team dynamics that determine to a large degree whether the organization achieves its goals and is successful.

While Developing Leaders is a top priority for any organization wanting to succeed not every organization has the resources to ensure their leaders have the skills they need. Most leaders are selected because they are great performers – they are good at setting goals and achieving them – but the transition from personal success to achieving results by motivating and engaging others is tough and without support can take too long.

Studies show that what differentiates the most successful organizations from the rest is the quality of their Leaders people skills.    Our resource page has some samples of these studies.

Core Leadership skills remain consistent but how they are best developed changes:

  • A first time Front Line leader gets the best productivity boost through short skill based sessions.
  • Those aspiring to (and already in) mid management need to study people dynamics in more depth and practice solving more complex problems,
  • Leaders in the midst of a business critical project or change initiative need specific strategies tied directly to improving results.
  • Senior executives need time to focus on strengthening their people skills to ensure that they can engage the larger organization in helping them achieve their goals.

Your expertise is on succeeding in your field of business.  Our expertise is aligning Leadership Development with the goals of your business.  Our learning model blends skills training, coaching and direct application – so your leaders don’t just get ideas they gain solutions and an action plan that is sustainable.

We would like to help you achieve your leadership vision.  We know that training budgets are tight and working with a consulting company can be expensive – so we’ve eliminated most of the overhead – no sales team, no real estate, no shareholders – just top quality consultants working directly for you and at your location at a reasonable rate.   We want to be your partner – not just dropping in to teach an off the shelf program or working in isolation from your business goals.

We will ensure that your most valuable asset – your leaders time – is spent wisely and well.