Add a Senior Change Advisor to your team
We provide a part time expert resource to guide your team through the People Side of Change. 20 plus years experience and PROSCI certified. Typical projects require 2 to 4 on site days per month.
Change Management reduces the risk of implementation problems and even failure by providing a set of tools that move employees up the Change Adoption Curve. We work with your Sr. Management Team, internal change leads and managers to plan and implement a series of interrelated change strategies. The result is a 5X increase (research by Prosci) in the level of employee understanding, acceptance and adoption of change. Most Changes have People Problems.
Your project team may have good communication plans, technical experts provide training, leaders provide guidance but despite that most projects run into problems. Project teams are frustrated with having to spend so much time on getting people on board, front line staff are grumbling about a solution that doesn’t fit, leaders are too busy dealing with other issues, meetings are delayed, deadlines are missed and the vendor is getting frustrated.
We are hands-on partners at each step of the Change journey.
We believe that change does not need a full time expert. What you need is targeted, specific solutions that take advantage of the resources you already have – your leaders, project team, vendors, HR dept, trainers and front line staff. We will take a deep dive to make sure we know exactly what your project goals, timelines and resources are and then propose a plan to move your project forward in simple stages that respond to issues as they develop.
Using the change management best practices as a guideline, we have developed a comprehensive but flexible approach gaining the buy-in and support of employees. (see below)
We are Prosci certified and have a long track record of successfully helping companies large and small, to maximize the ease and effectiveness of implementing new business strategies, systems and cultures. Our experience cuts across sectors and industries ranging from manufacturing to oil and gas, banking, IT, government and community services.
Change Management Roadmap
We follow a proven set of best practice methods and tools then customize the strategy to respond to the unique situation and challenges of our clients.
A typical project would follow these steps and stages:
Change Readiness Assessment
We start with Sr. Management Team interviews to assess the organization’s change goals, rationale, history, impacts and actions to date to implement the current change. The result is a summary report of the organization’s readiness and risks to the success of the current initiative.
Change Strategy Alignment
Facilitation of a Sr. /Department workshop to discuss the Change Readiness Assessment results and build alignment on the current change goals, rationale, structure and roles, strategies and actions. Results in an agreed upon plan to ensure employee buy-in, prepare and are fully ready prior to the change implementation.
Change Communications
Communications are critical and need to start at the project outset and continue throughout. Regular updates, info sessions, Town Halls, demo’s, posters and intra-net postings all intended to inform and respond to employee issues and concerns. The result is a continual source of information to keep everyone aware and understanding what is happening and what is upcoming in the implementation process.
Change Champion Network
A representative group of employees from impacted work groups. The network meet monthly to assess progress, provide feedback on new and emerging end user issues and concerns and make suggestions on actions to resolve issues. They will also provide support and assist with their department change communications and engagement activities.
Department Engagement Initiatives
Starting with a review of Department change impacts, each impacted Department Leader Team will establish a monthly plan to assess staff progress, identify new and emerging staff issues and implement plans to support staff and respond to their issues. The result is department specific change actions and tracking of employee change progress.
Implementation Support Plan
A plan to ensure that employee problems or issues following the roll-out of the change are identified, logged and responded to quickly. Whether through on-line reference materials, work aides, a project war room and leader coaching, the key is to provide quick answers and apply a corrective action strategy and update process to resolve and prevent end user start-up problems.
Sustainment Plan
One of the problems with past change efforts has been the lack of follow through and support for impacted groups and employees. Fully integrating the changes into the policies, practices, rewards and performance management systems of the organization is critical to ensure the changes stick. The result is the ongoing monitoring and continuous improvement of the changes to ensure maximum results and improvements.
Change Scorecard Review
The development of a Change Scorecard based on the progression of impacted work groups along a continuum from understanding, to understanding, to acceptance, to readiness, to adoption and sustainment of the changes. The result is a monthly assessment and reporting of the organization’s progress, emerging issues and actions to ensure people are ready, willing and able to implement a change.