Project Managers are stressed

Project Managers are stressed

Dealing with people issues – resistance, communication, alignment is taking up more of your managers and project leaders time and they are burning the candle at both ends trying to meet both project and people management needs. Senior managers are having to step...
Your Project is behind schedule

Your Project is behind schedule

Everyone agrees that the projects you are working on are important yet milestones are not being reached., promises are not being kept and day to day operations are getting in the way. Your project manager is getting more and more frustrated and can’t seem to get...
Your Suggestion box is empty

Your Suggestion box is empty

Your Lean Initiative or Continuous Improvement project started well but as time goes on fewer and fewer suggestions are coming in. Front line managers are having to go out and pull improvement ideas. Everyone is “too busy” to join an improvement team. Head...
Your Stakeholders are not on the same page.

Your Stakeholders are not on the same page.

Often projects involve a range of stakeholders. Different perspectives can lead to unilateral decision making, acting without consultation, lack of coordination, and ultimately conflict and the success of the project is at risk. An alignment session can quickly get...